29 products

Regular price $299.00 Sale price $197.00 Save $102.00
Are you having mysterious symptoms like avoiding foods you used to love, clumsiness, depression, blurry vision? Are the symptoms Ascension symptoms? Everything from ‘Ascension Flu,’ weight loss or gain, feeling like you are going crazy, tooth pain, headaches, ringing in the ears and more are signs that your body is releasing old vibrational patterns as your body starts to vibrate to the higher 4D and 5D frequencies. Over 800 line items in 6 panels will help you address the symptoms and inform you of areas that you can work on in meditation.

Regular price $167.00 Sale price $97.00 Save $70.00
The four panels in this library address Anemia. It includes Types, Symptoms, Risk Factors/Causes including the normal ranges for different aspects of the blood tested when blood work is ordered by a physician to check for anemia and Homeopathic & Natural Harmonizations. Ayurvedic and nutritional solutions were included. (around 329 line items)
My personal testimonial: I ran the Anemia Library Tool Kit on myself last evening (6/11/20). I was most interested in the results in the third panel where I included the clinical ranges for normalcy for different aspects of blood. Using my Lab Report from May, 2020, I checked my bloodwork report against the Genius results. I was amazed. My clinical lab results lined up with the Genius results except for one item. The Genius and my Lab Report showed which items were out of the normal range. However, please note that I had a Vitamin B12 shot since I had my bloodwork drawn in May and have introduced more nutritional foods including having liver for the first time in years so only having one item different is amazing. Jane Warkentien

Regular price $159.00 Sale price $127.00 Save $32.00
What do you do first if there is a pet emergency? What if your furbaby was in a scrape with another animal or in an accident? Grab your animal first aid kit and stabilize your pet and in severe cases, take them to the vet. Then, begin running this library utilizing the Genius Biofeedback App on the fur baby as well as other animal libraries you might have. This library addresses items needed in your physical animal first aid kit as well as items used to target stress disturbances in your pet using Genius Biofeedback frequencies. We have all heard of miraculous results from other practitioners for bone repair, addressing digestive issues, tumor reductions and more. With your intention and the pet’s receptivity to frequency healing, harmonizing the stress disturbances can have positive effects. This library is to be run as soon as you can in pet emergencies. Line items can be run overnight if you wish. There are calming herbs in the panel to calm the animal and it is important for you remain calm as you work with the pet throughout the emergency. Access what is happening, stop the bleeding (if appropriate), be prepared to transport your pet to a better location especially if you are out on a trail, have a cell phone that picks up a signal wherever you are and if necessary call a vet in very serious situations that you are on the way to their office or to the pet emergency clinic.
This library has 309 line items including herbs, items you should have in an actual animal first aid kit, crystals, Young Living Oils, Bach Flowers, Rife Frequencies, Flower Essences, Herbal Tinctures, and affirmations.

Animals -- Separation Anxiety & Other Anxieties | Genius Insight | Jane Warkentien
Regular price $97.00 Sale price $67.00 Save $30.00
Free download

Australian Bush Flowers for Anxiety Library | Jane Warkentien
Regular price $97.00 Sale price $67.00 Save $30.00
The Australian outback Bush Flowers chosen for this panel are the ones that help reduce anxiety and stress. They can help you feel less overwhelmed, give you courage, increase focus, and strengthen your recovery from states of anxiety and stress. These essences are used worldwide and have been referenced “like Bach Flower on Steroids.” The 52 Australian Bush Flowers in this library will help harmonize burn out, the need to be constantly on the go, obsessive thinking, fear of losing control, lack of confidence and low self-esteem, panic, feeling scattered, unable to make decisions, disheartened and more.

Bone anatomy Series | Jane Warkentien | Genius Insight App
Regular price $200.00 Sale price $147.00 Save $53.00
This panel consists of bone harmonizations, leg bone anatomy, bone stress disturbance assessment, bones and body Interference disturbance assessment, bone anatomy of the chest, bone anatomy of the head, neck anatomy that includes, nerves, veins, muscles, bones, etc. Healthy Bones, Ligaments & Muscles, Skeleton Bones, Healthy Bones panel, Knee focus panel, Muscle and Bone frequency codes.

Cosmetic Ingredients & Harmonizations | Genius Insight | Jane Warkentien
Regular price $197.00 Sale price $97.00 Save $100.00
Are you feeding your body toxic cosmetic ingredients by using them on your skin each day? Would you knowingly eat toxic foods? With that in mind, why would you feed your skin toxic chemicals. The ingredients in your cosmetics and personal care products matter more than most people realize as they enter your blood steam and organs affecting bodily systems & may lead to diseases. Each day, American women use an average of 12 personal care products containing approximately 168 different chemicals. Men use an average of six personal care products containing approximately 85 different chemicals. Many of these products are applied directly on the skin, the body’s largest organ, where ingredients are absorbed directly into the bloodstream. In the USA, cosmetics and personal care products are amongst the most un-regulated products. Do your due diligence of checking labels and buying from companies that use natural ingredients like Arbonne and Young Living Oils cosmetic and personal care lines both for male and female. This library addresses the toxic ingredients often found in cosmetics and personal care products, effects on the body and harmonizations that include Rife frequencies, gemstones, Young Living Oils, herbs, Ayurvedic herbs, and more.

COSMIC ENERGIES LIBRARY | Jane Warkentien | Genius Insight
Regular price $127.00 Sale price $67.00 Save $60.00
If you are feeling more sensitive, emotional, exhausted, tired, anxious, fatigued, intuitive (to name a few) and/or highly charged you may be feeling the effects of the huge spike in the Schumann Resonance and/or Ascension Energies pouring forth onto our beautiful planet. And there are many more symptoms—some positive and some negative that are occurring right now. (Note: The Schumann Resonance resonates usually at 7.83 Hz and now has spiked as high as 92 Hz). The Schumann Resonance affects every living thing on earth and therefore when it peaks, we are suddenly out of alignment/balance with this frequency. This causes us to possibly experience sudden and unexplained bouts of anxiety, irritability, restlessness, inability to sleep deeply and more. Our energy body/electromagnetic field is out of harmony with our planet’s frequency and/or 3D. These energies directly impact our nervous system as our own energetic frequency is lower than the Schumann Resonance. Also, as we are spiritual beings and as our beautiful planet Terra, Mother Earth, goes through the ascension process from 3D to 4D to 5D, many of us are experiencing the Ascension vibration symptoms as our bodies move to higher frequencies. Many of these symptoms are the same as those already listed, but other symptoms have us questioning who we are, our purpose, increase in synchronicities, increase in intuition, dreaming, seeing visions and more. These are very interesting times as we have a front row seat (get some popcorn) and we watch the events of the world unfold as we are moving towards the Golden Age.
Cosmic Energies Library jw
Cosmic Energies 1: Ascension Energies jw 147 line items
Cosmic Energies 2: Schumann Resonance Energies jw 49 line items
Cosmic Energies 3: Lifting Vibration, Raise Conscious Awareness, Ease Symptoms jw 139 Line Items (Note: This panel has many Rife frequencies)
Custom Libraries: Genius Insight: Critter Panels (JW)
Regular price $129.00 Sale price $77.00 Save $52.00
Critter Busters. 4 panels
Critter Busters: Clear Termites. 21 items.
Critter Busters: Lawn Critters and Insects. 65 items.
Critter Busters: Clear Fleas, Other Insects and Spiders. 51 items.
Critter Busters: Mice, Spiders, Ants, Mosquitoes, and Other Pest Solutions

Custom Libraries: Genius Insight: Trauma Library (JW)
Regular price $197.00 Sale price $97.00 Save $100.00
Trauma Library.
Trauma Symptoms/Assessment. 153 items. Comprehensive list of trauma symptoms/assessments. Many of us have had trauma from war to sexual abuse, rape, accidents, families of addicts, divorce, etc.
Trauma Age of Cause. 100 items. Ages: birth to age 100. I would recommend choosing the top red item after you run this panel and add it to progressive insight tray with your items from the other two Trauma panels. Next time you run you can choose an age or the next top red age and so on.
Trauma Solutions. 178 items. Includes essential oils, herbs, suggestions for dealing with trauma, and harmonizing and neutralizing.

Earth Panels | Genius Insight | Jane Warkentien
Regular price $299.00 Sale price $99.00 Save $200.00
The Earth panels offer weather harmonizing from hurricanes to winter storms and aftermath plus much more. It is constantly being updated and you will receive these updates after you log out and log back in.
EARTH LIBRARY: 13 Panels. I would recommend creating clients for the named storms/wildfires and making a client for Earth, for example.
Earth: EMF, 5G, Microwaves, Nanotechnology, Other Potential Weaponized Frequencies 73 item. Neutralize the damaging effects of the frequencies for yourself and home.
Earth: Hurricanes/Cyclones/Typhoons/Tropical Storms diminishing and harmonizing
130 items. The creator adds named storms as needed sometimes using pinpoint dates and locations. Constantly updating as needed based on global weather patterns.
Earth: Hurricane/Storms Aftermath. 72 items. The aftermath of these storms include safety for first responders as well as neutralizing flooding, help for victims, dissipating severe weather, etc.
Earth: Land, Water, Air. 236 items. This library covers everything from tsunamis, tornadoes, flooding, air pollution, water pollution, volcanoes, earthquakes and much more.
Earth: Mother Earth. 89 items. This library addresses more global issues from peaceful coexistence to world issues of GMO seeds, chemtrails, cleaning up our oceans. Harmonizing all aspects of pollution affecting each of these three. Includes Red Tide, algae, harmful amoeba, fires, acid rain, infrastructure, chemtrails and more
Earth: Planet X. 18 items. If it exists, this panel neutralizes its effects and attempts to draw it away from Earth.
Earth: Wildfires. 133 items. This panel is also updated to include wildfires both in the USA and globally. It neutralizes and harmonizes the wildfires. It includes line items about the safety of all homeowners, safety of wildlife, protection of property and homes, safety for firemen, pets, farm animals, etc.
Earth: Winter Storms. 88 items. This panel is updated for the USA whether a named winter storm or severe thunderstorms in the southern states. It addresses ice, loss of electricity, safety for all out in the roads, and more.
Earth: Targeted Attacks - Neutralizing all attacks on Life through chemtrails, chemical agents, vaccines, space weapons, and more
Earth: Peace & Harmony Harmonizing our planet it to uplift it including helping the homeless, exposing government corruption, school teachings, shootings at schools, churches, events; harmonizing all governments, harmonizing all manipulations, catastrophic climatic events harmonization, healing weather patterns, helping all victim of fires etc., war harmonization, etc.

Regular price $149.00 Sale price $97.00 Save $52.00
Are you plagued with Brain Fog? Lack of focus? Jump from one task to another never finishing the first? Is your work area cluttered? Can you concentrate? We all find ourselves, at times, not completing our tasks, not ticking off the boxes on our To-Do List, and even not making To-Do Lists. Lack of focus and concentration can lead to disorganization. Lack of organization can lead to a lack of focus and the inability to concentrate--a vicious circle. This Genius App Panel addresses all three of these area offering tips and tonifying frequencies to improve brain function and action on getting things done.

Global Collective Fears Library | Genius Insight | Jane Warkentien
Regular price $97.00 Sale price $49.00 Save $48.00
The library was designed to be used on yourself, a client, or the population of the earth. To run it on the earth, create a World Population client, use google images to find a photo of the earth from space, pick today’s date as the birthdate and you can use your voice as a surrogate voice representing the population of the earth by saying something like this: I am using my voice as a surrogate voice to represent the population of the earth who wish to relinquish their collective fear, a,e,I,o,u or you can repeat the phrase again & again for the 15 seconds. I would run the panel all by itself or if you have my Earth Libraries, you might include several appropriate panels from it.
Collective Fears 1 – Global Factors Causing Distress
Collective Fears 2 – Harmonizing Global Collective Fears

Harmonizing Spiritual Affirmations for Mind, Body and Soul | Genius Insight | Jane Warkentien Panels
Regular price $97.00 Sale price $57.00 Save $40.00
This panel is a collection of spiritual affirmations reminding us that our bodies, mind, and soul are meant to self-heal. It focuses on harmonize, bringing in Higher Guidance and Light to heal body systems, mind issues, spiritual lethargy & stuckness, and many diseases. The focus is shifted to perfect health and well-being. I like to run this panel for clients affirming their power to harmonize and to receive Higher Healing Energies and help. The collection affirms that they are Peace, the Light, Loving Kindness, Energy, perfect health, for example.
You might include the highest affirmation that shows up after you analyze the Main Hold Tray in your client report.
There are close to 220 line items in this panel and I do add to it from time to time. When you log out and sync upon signing back in, you will receive any updates I have made to this panel.
Some sample line items are:
Every cell of my body glows with health.
I am a magnificent being full of energy and radiance.
I am Peace.
I am the cleansed cardiovascular system.
I am willing to shift my core vibration to greater levels of joy, love and personal power.
I have the power to heal and cleanse my spiritual stuckness and see it transmuted by the Light.
My body is made to self-heal and to be resilient.
My skin starts to glow as my body purifies.
The power to cleanse and heal is within me & I command my discs, vertebrae, and cartilage in my neck to be healed and perfect. Thank you.
With each breath, the power to heal goes deep into the hormonal system clearing and healing the hormonal system and glands.

Holiday Stress Management | Jane Warkentien
Regular price $149.00 Sale price $129.00 Save $20.00
Do you love the holidays? The holidays can be stressful with all the decorating, baking, juggling time management and planning we do, but this year, we added the impact of Covid and how it will impact this year’s holiday season? Are you worried about the social-gathering bans imposed? Are you feeling anxious that your old holiday routines have been uprooted? If your income was impacted this year, you may be worrying how you will provide gifts and maybe even dinner. How will you be able to travel? What about those Christmas parties? Can you organize a large Zoom, Skype or Facebook Live feast? How will gifts be delivered? Shopping? Is this the new normal or can we ever go back to our old traditions? This holiday season isn’t all Gingerbread Houses, Christmas Cookies, and Unicorns because of the Covid restrictions. We will have to manage this year’s holiday stress to cope with and enjoy our holidays.
This Holiday Stress Management Library will deliver tips, many rife frequencies (embedded), herbs, Australian Bush Flowers for anxiety, gemstones, mushrooms to relieve anxiety, Young Living Oils, Bach Flowers, affirmations and more. You can minimize that dreaded holiday stress and savor the holidays, no matter what they look like this year, using this Library. There are 192 line items in this panel.

Regular price $197.00 Sale price $97.00 Save $100.00
All plants are our brothers and sisters. They talk to us and if we listen, we can hear them. – Arapaho.
Did you ever wonder what different herbs were used for? This directory of Native American, Alaskan, and Hawaiian herbs are listed from A to Z and what the herb treated. Some herbs have been used for thousands of years and some are still being used today.
Native Americans (including Hawaiian and Alaskan tribes) use of herbs as their medicine goes back thousands of years. They used herbs for their physical body, their spirit and to bring balance back to their lives. The herbs were also included in rituals, ceremonies, and symbolism as part of the healing process. Some say the oral traditions indicate that they learned about the healing powers of herbs and other plants by watching sick animals. They gathered the herbs from their region grinding and mixing herb, roots, and other natural plants to create their healing formulations for the medical issue. Our Indian brothers and sisters had to be able to treat Warriors wounded in battle as well as a plethora of medical issues that they encountered.
This library contains herbs they used plus what it treated. This is a directory of the herbs and what they were used for. There are 456 line items. For example: Black Cohosh addresses aches, arthritis, cough, expectorant, headache, migraine, mild hypertension, menstrual symptoms, menstrual cramps & pain, nervous conditions, night sweats, pain, PMS, respiratory problems, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, tinnitus, sciatica, vaginal problems, varicose veins and vertigo. (See the disclaimer in the references).

NEUROPATHIC NERVE PAIN LIBRARY | Jane Warkentien | Genius Insight
Regular price $129.00 Sale price $97.00 Save $32.00
Neuropathic pain is usually a chronic pain condition. A number of things may cause chronic pain such as an infection, an injury, loss of cartilage between spinal discs, diseases such as cancer, diabetes, etc., and even limb loss. It can flare up at any time and without any perceived trigger. With neuropathic pain, the person may experience shooting, burning pain. The pain may be constant, or may occur intermittently. A feeling of numbness or a loss of sensation is common, too. Neuropathic pain tends to get worse over time.
This library is intended to help the person with this nerve pain find relief through Ayurvedic herbs, herbs, Vitamins, minerals, rife frequencies, Young Living Essential Oils, helpful practices, food choices, and more.

Regular price $327.00 Sale price $227.00 Save $100.00
We all have an inner child. As we age, we may have repressed our inner child especially if there was childhood trauma, neglect, love not reciprocated, fear for safety, etc. We may express certain emotions and actions today because of the repressed emotions from childhood. Many of us also have happy memories from childhood the opposite of those above. Either way, having a relationship with your inner child, re-parenting and restoring play to our lives will build a strong positive relationship with your inner child and provide new growth and transformations for we as adults.

SAD – SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER | Jane Warkentien | Genius Panel
Regular price $147.00 Sale price $97.00 Save $50.00
Do you get the Winter Blues? Do you feel depressed seasonally? Do you have less energy? Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of major depression defined by its seasonal pattern and is sometimes referred to as the “Winter Blues.” Experts believe that SAD is most likely related to decreased sunlight experienced during the winter and affects day-to-day functioning. The signs and symptoms are similar to other depression disorders like lack of motivation at work/home, low energy, sleeping habit changes, changes in appetite, loss of interest in once enjoyable activities, feelings of hopelessness, and even thoughts of suicide, for example.
SAD 1: Seasonal Affective Disorder Causes 34 line items
SAD 2: Seasonal Affective Disorder Symptoms 77 line items
SAD 3: Seasonal Affective Disorder Tonifying Harmonizations 157 line items

Skin Issues & Harmonization Library | Genius Insight | Jane Warkentien
Regular price $499.00 Sale price $299.00 Save $200.00
Human skin, the outer covering of the body, is the largest organ in the body. It also constitutes the first line of defense. The skin protects our underlying muscles, bones, ligaments and internal organs. It also plays a key role in protecting the body as it interfaces with the environment. It protects us against pathogens, excessive water loss, acts as insulation, sensation, storage & synthesis of Vitamin D, and more. Nutritional deficiencies, environmental influences, allergic reactions, aging, medical conditions, diseases and traumatic occurrences, for example, may create skin issues. Our goal is to harmonize these issues and return the body to its original healthy blueprint through our Genius Biofeedback frequencies.
The Skin Issues Library consists of 11 panels that works on harmonizing various skin conditions and disorders.
Skin Issues & Harmonization Library
Testimonial from Deanna S: “Hi Jane, I wanted to share with you that your skin panels are really helpful. I have a client with a skin issue. For 3 years we couldn't figure it out. For 17 years no doctor diagnosed her. I ran her on the genius and your panel said Nummular Dermatitis. Neither one of us had ever heard of it and we have done many Google searches for dermatitis. We looked it up and sure enough her skin looked exactly like the pictures.”

Regular price $97.00 Sale price $79.00 Save $18.00
Spiritual awakening? The Soul Speak Library addresses Soul Vibes, spiritual awakening and affirmations embodying Spiritual Awakening. The energies pouring in from the Cosmos, the quantity of time we are spending home and, in some cases, alone due to work situations, retirement, layoffs, etc. has an upside. We are being given time to grow spiritually, more time to read, more time to meditate and time to assess our growth, our ascension.

Spasmodic Dysphonia | Genius Insight | Jane Warkentien
Regular price $67.00
Spasmodic dysphonia is a rare voice disorder. It causes involuntary spasms in the muscles of the voice box or larynx. This causes the voice to break and have a tight, strained or strangled sound. Spasmodic dysphonia can cause problems ranging from trouble saying a word or two to being not able to talk at all. The voice is often described as creaky. It is considered incurable.

SPIRITUAL BAROMETER LIBRARY | Jane Warkentien | Genius Insight
Regular price $157.00 Sale price $97.00 Save $60.00
Did you ever wonder what you needed to work on for your spiritual growth? What you should be meditating on to raise your vibrations? What your mind needs to improve? What your soul needs to grow? What you should be mindful of regarding your body? This library is designed as a barometer of where you are compared to spiritual ideals and other spiritual attributes and what you need to work on based on your frequencies.

Regular price $159.00 Sale price $97.00 Save $62.00
Do you know the signs of a stroke? What F.A.S.T. means? Preventative and Post-Stroke Measures? This library will use frequency to harmonize the stoke stress disturbances in your or your client’s body. Since an apparently innocent and inconsequential little weak spell or stumble can be signs of a stroke, it is essential to see whether it was indeed an innocent little weak spell, stumble....or a stroke!
A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of your brain is interrupted or reduced, preventing brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients. Brain cells begin to die in minutes. It is considered a medical emergency and prompt treatment is crucial to reduce brain damage and other complications. The good news is that many fewer Americans die of stroke now than in the past. Effective treatments can also help prevent disability from stroke and that leads us to our Genius frequencies and the Stroke Library.

SWEET DREAMS: SLEEP ISSUES LIBRARY | Genius Insight | Jane Warkentien
Regular price $249.00 Sale price $149.00 Save $100.00
On the average, humans spend approximately 33% of their lives sleeping. This amounts to about eight hours per day and it is a critical physiological need of human beings and other animals. Utilizing 4 panels: Side Effects, Sleep Environment, Commands for Switching off Before Bed and Tonifying Frequencies, sleep stress disturbances are harmonized utilizing approximately 329 line items.
Studies indicate that age has a bearing on how much sleep individual’s need. According to WebMD, babies sleep for 16 to 18 hours per day, teenagers sleep for about nine hours, while adults sleep for seven to nine hours per day. If a person is deprived of sleep, she may suffer from poor memory, depression, impaired reaction time, fatigue and more.

Tick Diseases Library Tool Kit | Genius Insight | Jane Warkentien
Regular price $97.00 Sale price $57.00 Save $40.00
Tick bites are often harmless, in which case they don’t cause any noticeable symptoms. However, ticks can cause allergic reactions, and certain ticks can pass diseases onto humans and animals when they bite. These can be dangerous or even deadly. There are many symptoms and types of tick-related diseases like Lyme Disease. This Library addresses the variety of diseases (USA & world-wide), symptoms, and harmonizations.

Regular price $299.00 Sale price $147.00 Save $152.00
The intention of this library is to harmonize the stress disturbances to the body caused by many of the ingredients in many of today’s vaccines and the lingering effects of earlier vaccines we have received as children and adults. The library includes the ingredients the CDC has listed in the vaccines as well as those additional (mostly toxic) ingredients in the Covid 19 vaccines found by separate independent Non-CDC laboratories. Harmonizing and balancing these ingredients using frequency will balance the stress disturbances and bring the body back into coherence.

VERTIGO LIBRARY | Jane Warkentien | Genius Library
Regular price $127.00 Sale price $87.00 Save $40.00
Vertigo is a sensation of feeling off balance. If you have dizzy spells, feel unbalanced or feel like you are spinning or that the world around you is spinning, these are symptoms of vertigo. It can also be indicative of deeper health issues, brain trauma, eating choices, infections and more.
This library consists of 4 panels:
Vertigo 1: Ear Anatomy 28 line items
Vertigo 2: Possible Causes 16 line items
Vertigo 3: Symptoms 18 line items
Vertigo 4: Tonifying Harmonizations 62 line items
The Tonifying Harmonizations panel includes herbs, Young Living Oils, Young Living Oils, food choices, and more.

Regular price $197.00 Sale price $97.00 Save $100.00
Do you often find that you dread going to work? Do you find that work is affecting your home life? Affecting you physically? Affecting your relationships? Affecting you by over-eating and drinking? Do you have a fear for your safety returning to work after the Covid19 pandemic quarantines are lifted? As a manager, do you find that you have strained relationships with your employees? You overload your employees with work? You bully your employees? You find there are not enough hours in the day to manage your employees and do your reports? You are feeling that you will never get promoted?