Animals -- Separation Anxiety & Other Anxieties | Genius Insight | Jane Warkentien
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Does your pet exhibit anxiety symptoms like hiding under the bed due to thunderstorms or fireworks? Does your pet pant excessively, nip, bark constantly, exhibit lethargy or excessive sleepiness? Did your pet go through a traumatic event? Are you moving? Have moved recently? Will your pet be stressed when you return to work exhibiting separation anxiety? Our animals/pets may exhibit many various anxieties. Since stay-at-home restrictions are lifting for some areas soon, you may want to be aware of how this may affect your pets/animals. They may exhibit Separation Anxiety. This Library will not only help you to avoid your animal having a potential animal meltdown from separation anxiety, but can help alleviate many other anxieties as well. You know your animal. If it is not well, then a vet appointment should be considered, but if your pet exhibits emotional stress, than this library will help harmonize the anxieties, stressors and symptoms your pet has. A pet/animal Harmonization Tune Up will help your animal return to a calmer emotional state.
Animals -- Separation Anxiety & Other Anxieties Library
Animals 1 -- Global Stressors (this panel will not only work on your pet, but help animals/all Life globally
Animals 2 -- Separation Anxiety & Other Anxieties Symptoms
Animals 3 -- Separation Anxiety & Other Anxieties Harmonization Tune Up
Animals 4 -- Use of Color, Crystals, Flower Essences
Here are some examples of line items from these panels:
Changes in Bodily functions
Clawing their way out of spaces
Digestive issues indicated
Thunder phobia
The whites of their eyes show prominently
Bach Flower Rescue Remedy
Young Living Oils
Talk to your animals
Exercise your pet
Pet affirmations
Calming music
Go to caninelullabies.com to see their products
Wild rose flower essence
Rose Quartz
All symptoms cleared and harmonized
CBD oil
Archangel Ariel, please work with my animals to help alleviate their fears and anxieties.
I am willing and able to adapt.
I am able to release my anxieties and fears because I feel safe.
Past traumas cleared and harmonized.
Separation Anxiety cleared and harmonized.
and more.
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