Genius Insight : Stem Cell Activation : Ariel Policano
Regular price $87.00
All stem cells have the ability to divide and create an identical copy of themselves by a process of self-renewal. They can also divide and form cells that mature into cells that make up every tissue and organ.
This suggests an underlying vibrational root cause to this effect. When the stem cells hear the right "song" or frequency, they are then encoded or directed to create the proper cell that is needed. If this theory is correct, it means that in finding the right vibration or frequency, our bodies have all that we need in order to regenerate on every level, from the organ, tissue and cellular level. The question is, how do we tap into this? Resonance biofeedback makes this all possible, it is just about finding the right method. We don't know all about the potential of this at this time. However, use the Stem Cell Activation as a way for you to research and reach into the possibilities.
Use the Genius to generate Energetic Stem Cells in all areas. This frequency library has 3 parts:
Stem Cell 1 Stem Cells in areas of the body - liver, neuronal, pancreatic, pineal
Stem Cell 2 Genetic Expression - frequencies for activating expression of anti-aging genes
Stem Cell 3 Remedies - remedies for expression of stem cells and anti-aging.