Respiratory Series - Harmonize Lung infections and more | Genius Insight | Ariel Policano
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Harmonizing the lungs in order to open up the energies
Respiratory Miasms - Clear the inherited susceptibility in the lungs.
Respiratory 1 Anatomy - Work at the level of the anatomy including lungs, middle lobe, bronchi, larynx, diaphragm and more.
Respiratory 2 Breathing Practices - Learn the breathing practices that will assist you such as Kapalbhati breathing
Respiratory 3 Herbal Solutions - Run the frequencies of the best remedies for healing the lungs.
Respiratory Infection - Chronic virus, rotavirus, strep biofilm and more
Includes these bonus libraries:
Toxic Exposures - Includes Atrazine, Benzene, DDE, DDT, Phthalate, Toluene, Xylene.
Toxic Exposures Remedies - Choline, Glycine, Glutamine, Milk Thistle, Vitamin C, Vitamin E.