Hydration: Cell Quencher Frequencies | Genius Insight
Regular price $97.00
One of the main causes of aging turns out to be the inability to truly hydrate the body at a cellular level. The buildup of toxins over time and the quality of the water we drink all contribute to this. When the body is not hydrated properly for some time, we don't have the resilient, vibrant health that we once experienced.
Experience the energy you can get from a properly hydrated cell! See changes that are possible! Feel the smooth changes in your skin! Every part of your body can benefit from a stronger level of hydration.
A selection of the frequencies included in this series is (more are included in the complete library!):
Alkalized Water
Aging now reversed through hydration
Cells now hold more water
Ability to detoxify now restored
ATP Generated 9.6 Hz
Crystal Energy Phi Sciences
Hydration is now optimized
Lower surface tension
Optimizing ability to hydrate all cells
Oxygenate cells now
Oxygen 5.77 Hz
Structured Water
True hydration experienced now