Past Life Panel | Genius Insight | Ariel Policano
Regular price $97.00
Every one of us has experience past lives. In fact, it is likely that we have experienced tens of thousands of past lives. Not every one of these lives is immediately influencing our current life, but some of them are. How can we know which ones? What are the signficant issues? What can we do about these issues?
The Genius Insight is a powerful tool that can help you discover these! In this package, which includes 3 customized panels for past life trauma analysis and clearing, an instructional video and a PDF file to explain the panels in further detail, you can create powerful change within.
Often past life cellular imprints are creating stress in a person's current life. While working on yourself, your emotions, your addictions your mental habits is very beneficial, discovering and clearing the residue of a past life can be the missing link to healing that you are looking for.
Your Past Life Clearing and Healing Program includes:
Past Life Panel 1 - Describes the past life issue.
Past Life Panel 2 - Time periods. Pinpoint the time of the past life and harmonize the effects.
Past Life Panel 3 - Positive Attributes. Bring in the energy of past lives that were good, satisfying and contain the qualities you are seeking in this life.