Break a Habit - Create a reset, restart and refresh | Ariel Policano | Genius Insight
Regular price $97.00
Are you interested in breaking a habit and creating a new reset, restart and refresh?
This exciting library series includes frequencies that help you to break out of your stuck pattern and begin with a new and fresh vibration. This is such an innovative series of frequencies! Begin any new project with exceptional energy sweeping into the project.
All the reasons that I create to fail, fall away now
Break the pattern
Changes are OK and I embrace them 140.25 Hz
Energy to create new beginnings
Ganesh energy to remove obstacles
Honeysuckle Flower Essence - Release the past and embrace the new
I allow transformation 528 Hz
I am 100% willing to move forward and to be successful in this goal
I am finally ready to leave the bad habit behind
I am open to new opportunities
I am ready to feel good again
I am the positive actions
I am willing to be happy
I release the excuses
Release Spleen Qi Deficiency Stagnancy Releases
Rock Water Flower Essence - I release the hardened forces buildup that blocks me
Theta frequency activated
This time I am truly successful through trying
Transition energy; I am open to transition...
....and much more!