Anti-Aging Bundle| Ariel Policano Libraries | Genius Insight App
Regular price $639.00 Sale price $497.00 Save $142.00
This bundle includes frequencies related to Stem Cells, Telomeres, DHEA and much more! Some of the best libraries we have to help with skin wellness and total body wellness. Check out what is included in this bundle here:
Anti-Aging Pack: Work on DNA and Telomeres
Have you ever thought that working at the level of the DNA would be powerful? If you could completely repair and revitalize the DNA, it is possible that the effects of aging would be significantly slowed or even reversed.
Skin Regeneration for Anti-Aging, Healing, and Beauty Program
Looking to turn back time and heal your skin? Harmonize the effects of damage and aging skin with our Skin Regeneration for Anti-Aging, Healing and Beauty Program!
Ring of Fire: Powerful Chinese Points for Anti-Aging
The Ring of Fire is the energetic system of kidneys, prostate/uterus, testicles/ ovaries, adrenals, thyroid and pituitary gland integrated through the Windows of the Sky, major points of body/mind connection in acupuncture philosophy.
Stem Cell Activation
All stem cells have the ability to divide and create an identical copy of themselves by a process of self-renewal. They can also divide and form cells that mature into cells that make up every tissue and organ. This suggests an underlying vibrational root cause to this effect. When the stem cells hear the right "song" or frequency, they are then encoded or directed to create the proper cell that is needed.
Hydration: Cell Quencher Frequencies
One of the main causes of aging turns out to be the inability to truly hydrate the body at a cellular level. The buildup of toxins over time and the quality of the water we drink all contribute to this. When the body is not hydrated properly for some time, we don't have the resilient, vibrant health that we once experienced. Experience the energy you can get from a properly hydrated cell!
DNA Revitalization
There are 5 libraries in this series. These libraries cover topics such as DNA Repair, Replenish, Upgrade, Regeneration, and Ascension. Skin Rejuvenation and Youth Restoration Series
Use this series in order to powerfully transform energies of oxidative damage. Rejuvenate the skin and experience the wonderful benefits!