Money and Manifestation Bundle| Ariel Policano Libraries | Genius Insight App
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Abundance Manifestation Codes
This series is inspired by codes from Grabovoi and combines other important frequencies, affirmations and codes for powerful abundance in your life. Abundance can be include money, happiness, harmonious relationships, a comfortable living space, good friends and more! Learn more here
Breakthrough to Success
Ready for a new start? Break old habits, let go of past trauma and renew for a fresh start with the Breakthrough to Success Series! This series includes 3 libraries. Learn more here
Getting Unstuck Series 1-4
Your thoughts become your actions and shape the life we lead. Harmonize internal blocks and start a new fresh beginning today with the Getting Unstuck Series! This series works on motivation and confidence and clarity. Learn more here
Manifestation Codes: Quantum Leap Towards Your Dreams
Clearing limiting beliefs and
Money Magnetizing Program
Are you ready to completely clear blocks to receiving money? Would you like a massive increase in income and finances? Check out our Money Magnetizing program! This program can be completely run on the Quick Balance function! This means you can "set it and forget it" for a full 30 minutes as it radiates and entrains powerful money generating frequencies. Learn more here
Success System 1-6
Your Genius Insight is not just for harmonizing health issues. It is a powerful tool that acts like an oracle. You can manifest that which you want in the area of health, wealth, relationships and more. The Success System is one such way that you can utilize the Genius to work for your positive change in the world. You can work quickly for your day by running the first 3 panels and choose from those just 3 items each, perhaps the top 3 or the the bottom 3 items that come up for you. Learn more here
Unleashing Infinite Creativity and Flow